Author: Tochukwu Ezebube

Tochukwu Ezebube is a passionate poet and founder of Poem Collections. With a deep love for African verse and a commitment to sharing diverse poetic voices, Tochukwu curates a rich tapestry of poems that celebrate the beauty of words from Africa and around the world. Join him on this poetic journey at Poem Collections, where the magic of language unfolds.

What is a limerick?

A limerick is a form of poetry known for its humorous and often nonsensical content. It consists of five lines with a distinctive rhyme scheme and rhythm. The structure of a limerick follows a pattern of AABBA, where the first, second, and fifth lines rhyme with each other and have three metrical feet (three stressed…

Watermaid by Christopher Okigbo poem analysis

Background of the poet  Christopher Okigbo is apparently one of the Nigeria’s greatest poets. Born in 1932 in Ojoto, Eastern Nigeria, Okigbo studied Classics at the University College. He had written several poems including The Star Have Departed, Newcormer, Watermaid, Love Apart and For He Was a Shrub Among The Poplars. Watermaid by Christopher Okigbo Bright with…

The Journey by Edward Kamau Brathwaite

1E-gyptIn Af-ricaMesopo-tamiaMero-eTheNileSilicaglassand brittleSa-hara, Tim-Buctu, Gaothe hills ofAhafo, windsOf the Ni-ger, Kurmasiand Kiverdown theCoiled congoand downthat black riverthat tides us to hell HELLIn the waterBrownBoys of Bushongodrowned in theBlue and the bitter Salt of wave- gulliedFerdinand’s seaSoft windsto san Salvador, Christopher, Christ, and no NoahOr dove to promise us, grimthrough it was, the simple sal vation…

Analysis of Pomegranate by Jean – Joseph Rabearivelo

BACKGROUND OF THE POET Jean – Joseph Rabearivelo was born in 1901 in Antananarivo, Madagascar. He was the only child of his mother. He was educated at Catholic mission school, and his desire to study more earned him an improvement in French language. After graduating from college, he worked as a proof – reader for…

Abiku by John Pepper Clark

Coming and going these several seasons,Do stay out of the baobab tree,Follow where you please your kindred spirits If indoors is not enough for you.True, it leaks through the thatchWhen floods brim the banks,And the bats and owlsOften tear in at night through the eaves,And at harmattan, the bamboo wallsAre ready tinder for the fireThat…

Difference between personification and characterization

Personification and characterization are both literary techniques used in literature. But they are, however, distinct concepts that serve different purposes in storytelling. For example: In these examples, the wind, sun, and waves are being personified by being described as if they possess human-like qualities (whispering, smiling, dancing). Read also: Difference between personification and apostrophe Characterization…

What is the difference between subject matter and topic?

Subject matter and topic are related concepts, but they have distinct meanings, especially when it comes to their use in literature and other forms of communication. Here’s the difference between subject matter and topic: Subject Matter: Read also: How to analyze a poem Topic: Example: Let’s illustrate the difference between subject matter and topic with…