Author: Tochukwu Ezebube

Tochukwu Ezebube is a passionate poet and founder of Poem Collections. With a deep love for African verse and a commitment to sharing diverse poetic voices, Tochukwu curates a rich tapestry of poems that celebrate the beauty of words from Africa and around the world. Join him on this poetic journey at Poem Collections, where the magic of language unfolds.

Sarcasm in poetry

What is sarcasm? Sarcasm is a form of verbal irony in which a person says or writes something with the intention of conveying the opposite meaning or expressing contempt, ridicule, or mocking humor. It involves using words or phrases to express the opposite of what is actually meant, often to criticize or mock someone or…

The Swamp by Derek Walcott

Gnawing the highway’ s edges, its black mouth Hums quietly: ‘Home, come home …’ Behind its viscous breath the very word ‘growth’ Grows fungi, rot; White mottling its root. More dreaded   Than canebreak, quarry ,or sun – shocked gully – bed Its horrors held Hemingway’s hero rooted To sure, clear shallows.   It begins nothing….

Tamil poetry

Tamil poetry, one of the world’s oldest and richest literary traditions, has flourished for over two millennia in the southern region of India. Known for its profound depth, exquisite imagery, and spiritual themes, Tamil poetry holds a special place in the hearts of literature enthusiasts and scholars alike. The artistry of Tamil poets has transcended…

Black Poets

Black poets have been making significant contributions to the world of literature for centuries. Their unique perspectives and experiences have led to the creation of powerful and thought-provoking works that have resonated with readers around the globe. From the early days of slavery to the present day, Black poets have used their voices to express…

Pastoral poetry

Pastoral poetry is a genre of literature that idealizes and celebrates rural life, nature, and the simplicity of the countryside. It portrays the lives of shepherds, farmers, or other rural inhabitants and often presents a harmonious and idyllic depiction of their existence. The term “pastoral” is derived from the Latin word “pastor,” which means shepherd,…

Simile in a poem

Definition of simile In poetry, a simile is a figure of speech that involves comparing two things using the words “like” or “as.” It is a form of metaphorical expression that helps create vivid and imaginative imagery by drawing similarities between two seemingly unrelated objects or concepts. Similes are used to enhance the reader’s understanding…

I Will Pronounce Your Name by Leopold Sedar Senghor analysis

Born in 1906 at Joal in Senegal, of the Serere tribe, Senghor has had a distinguished career as a scholar, philosopher and politician. Educated in Senegal and France, he was the first West African to graduate at the Sorborne in Paris. He has taken a prominent part in the cultural and political development of his…

Sound devices in poetry

Sound devices in poetry are various techniques that poets use to create auditory effects, enhance the musicality of their verses, and evoke specific emotions or responses in the reader or listener. These devices make the poem more engaging and memorable. Some common sound devices in poetry include: Read also: Style in poetry Rhyme: In poetry,…