
The Passage by Christopher Okigbo

BEFORE YOU, mother Idoto*,Naked I stand;Before your watery presence,A prodigalLeaning on an oilbean,Lost in your legend.Under your power wait Ion barefoot,watchman for the watchwordat Heavensgate;out of the depths my cry:give ear and hearken… DARK WATERS of the beginning.Rays, violet and short, piercing the gloom,Foreshadow the fire that is dreamed of.Rainbow on far side, arched like…

The Journey by Edward Kamau Brathwaite

1E-gyptIn Af-ricaMesopo-tamiaMero-eTheNileSilicaglassand brittleSa-hara, Tim-Buctu, Gaothe hills ofAhafo, windsOf the Ni-ger, Kurmasiand Kiverdown theCoiled congoand downthat black riverthat tides us to hell HELLIn the waterBrownBoys of Bushongodrowned in theBlue and the bitter Salt of wave- gulliedFerdinand’s seaSoft windsto san Salvador, Christopher, Christ, and no NoahOr dove to promise us, grimthrough it was, the simple sal vation…

Love in Kyiv by Natalka Bilotserkivets

More terrible is love in Kyiv than Magnificent Venetian passions. Butterflies Fly light and maculate into bright tapers – Dead caterpillars’ brilliant wings aflame! And spring has lit the chestnuts’ candles! Cheap lipstick’s tender taste, The daring innocence of miniskirts, And these coiffures, that are not cut quite right – Yet image, memory, and signs…

Poem: Come Away, My Love by Joseph Kariuki

Come away, my love, from streetsWhere mankind eyes divide,And show windows reflect our difference.In the shelter of my faithful room rest. There, safe from opinions, being behindMyself, I can see only youAnd in my dark eyes your greyWill dissolve The candlelight throwsTwo dark shadows on the wallWhich merge into one as I close beside you….

Ode (from Job) by Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov

O man! whose weakness dares rebel Against the Almighty’s strength, draw nigh And listen, for my tongue shall tell His message from the clouded sky. Midst rain, and storm, and hail, he spoke,Around the piercing thunder broke; At his proud word the clouds disperse, And thus he shakes the universe: ‘Come forth, then, in thy pride and power — Come answer me,…