I Will Pronounce Your Name by Leopold Sedar Senghor analysis

Born in 1906 at Joal in Senegal, of the Serere tribe, Senghor has had a distinguished career as a scholar, philosopher and politician. Educated in Senegal and France, he was the first West African to graduate at the Sorborne in Paris. He has taken a prominent part in the cultural and political development of his…

The Casualties by John Pepper Clark analysis, themes, literary devices

Background of the poet John Pepper Clark, an Ijaw of the Delta area of Nigeria, was born in 1935, and was educated in University of Ibadan, Nigeria, where he studied English Literature. He started and edited a poetry magazine, The Horn, while a student, and his early poems appeared in the magazine. He has worked…

Analysis of Long, long have you held by Leopold Sedar Senghor

Leopold Sedar Senghor is a poet, philosopher and scholar. He is one of the eldest and most prominent living persons associated with African poetry and culture. Born in 1906, Senghor was educated in Dakar, Senegal and Paris, France where he made history as first West African to graduate from the Sorbornne and teach in French…

Just a passerby by Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali analysis, literary devices, theme

Background of the poet Oswald Mbuyiseni Mtshali, (born 1940, Vryheid, Natal, South Africa), South African poet who wrote in English and Zulu and whose work drew deeply upon the immediate experience of life in the Johannesburg township of Soweto. Mtshali worked as a messenger before his first collection of poems, Sounds of a Cowhide Drum (1971), won…