Edward kamau Braithwaite

Content Analyis of Edward Kamau Braithwaite’s All God’s Chillun

“All God’s Chillun” by Edward Kamau Braithwaite is a poem that reflects the period of Indian indentureship as labourers on the field. It also emphasizes on the Idians’ bitter experience of inferiority and racial discrimination whilst labouring on the field for the Englishman . Apart from the inferiority complex and racial discrimination, their labourious service…

The Journey by Edward Kamau Brathwaite

1E-gyptIn Af-ricaMesopo-tamiaMero-eTheNileSilicaglassand brittleSa-hara, Tim-Buctu, Gaothe hills ofAhafo, windsOf the Ni-ger, Kurmasiand Kiverdown theCoiled congoand downthat black riverthat tides us to hell HELLIn the waterBrownBoys of Bushongodrowned in theBlue and the bitter Salt of wave- gulliedFerdinand’s seaSoft windsto san Salvador, Christopher, Christ, and no NoahOr dove to promise us, grimthrough it was, the simple sal vation…