Analysis of People of the City by Cyprian Ekwensi

People of the City by Cyprian Ekwensi narrates the city life of Amusa Sango who doubles as a crime reporter for West African Sensation and leader of the band music players. He plays at the All Language Club where he thrills the hearts of many women with his music.

His stay in the city is equally rootless, especially when he is sacked by West African Sensation. Before now however, he is being thrown out of his rented apartment by his his landlord, Lajide, who has apparently seen Amusa Sango as “a vandal, sent by the devil to destroy his property.”

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Amusa Sango frequently gets upset with the callous way life in the city has tossed him: he finds himself sharing one room with First Trumpet, and to worsen his predicament, there is Aina, the temptress, who regularly showcases when he has little money. And then there is his ailing mother with her letter of warning to desist from city ladies. Amusa Sango is torn between a choice of women he will marry – will it be Aina, Elina or Beatrice the Second?

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