Purple by Chloe Ling

Wake before the dawn and you will witness the World’s slowest embrace The moon and sun hold hands distant lovers sharing space. Hues of violet and amber spill over the horizon. The morning is a reminder that even though the night is full of terrors, dark will always give way to dawn.

Analysis/summary of A Night with the Elephant by Femi Osofisan

CAST Kwame Nkrumah – ex-president of Ghana Ahmed Sedou TOure – President of Guinea Republic Amilcar Cabral – Leader of PAIGE Andree TOure – Wife of President TOure Fode Keita – Artist now Guinea Minister of inferior Nyamikeh – Nephew on the material side to Nkrumah Ambrose Yankey – Chief of the Ghanian security guards…

Critical analysis/summary of The Killing Swamp by Adinoyi Ojo Onukaba

Adinoyi Ojo Onukaba’s The Killing Swamp, composed principally of four characters, is obviously a play of one act. The Killing Swamp was first published in the year 2009 and in course of dramatizing The Killing Swamp, Adinoyi Ojo Onukaba avers in the author’s note that “the play should run seamlessly from the beginning to the…

I approach, and I withdraw by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz

I approach, and I withdraw:who but I could findabsence in the eyes,presence in what’s far? From the scorn of Phyllis,now, alas, I must depart.One is indeed unhappywho misses even scorn! So caring is my lovethat my present distressminds hard-heartedness lessthan the thought of its loss. Leaving, I lose morethan what is merely mine:in Phyllis, never…

Watermaid by Christopher Okigbo poem analysis

Background of the poet  Christopher Okigbo is apparently one of the Nigeria’s greatest poets. Born in 1932 in Ojoto, Eastern Nigeria, Okigbo studied Classics at the University College. He had written several poems including The Star Have Departed, Newcormer, Watermaid, Love Apart and For He Was a Shrub Among The Poplars. Watermaid by Christopher Okigbo Bright with…

Analysis of To My First White Hairs by Wole Soyinka

BACKGROUND OF THE POET Wole Soyinka was born in 1934 at Abeokuta, Western Nigeria. Educated in Nigeria in University College, Ibadan, and at Leeds University in England, he graduated in English Language and Literature in 1958. Wole Soyinka is a versatile person and sings, and acts and produces plays. In addition he is a creative…