Author: Tochukwu Ezebube

Tochukwu Ezebube is a passionate poet and founder of Poem Collections. With a deep love for African verse and a commitment to sharing diverse poetic voices, Tochukwu curates a rich tapestry of poems that celebrate the beauty of words from Africa and around the world. Join him on this poetic journey at Poem Collections, where the magic of language unfolds.

Dirge in literature

What is a dirge, its meaning and examples? In literature, a dirge is a form of mournful and melancholic poem, song, or musical composition that is typically used to express grief or sorrow over the death of a person or commemorate a tragic event. The word “dirge” is derived from the Latin word “dirige,” which…

What is a subject matter?

What is subject matter in literature? In literature, the subject matter refers to the specific topic, theme, or subject that a literary work explores or focuses on. It is the main idea or central theme around which the plot, characters, and events of the story revolve. The subject matter is what the author intends to…

What is meter in poetry?

Meter refers to the rhythmic structure of a verse, determined by the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in each line. It is the basic building block of a poem’s rhythm and helps create a musical and organized flow in the writing. Read also: What is a limerick in poetry Types and examples of meter…

Promise by Arthur Nortje

Clock and season march, each day more mellow, since time must nourish youth beyond blossoms: the new furred power glints in early patterns, brought with true focus to your beauty now. Words drift in multitudes from your replies, who’ve chosen foreign life: I ponder snatches. We cross like shadows, young and watchful insects. My time…

Satire in 1iterature & poetry

Satire in poetry and literature is a literary technique that uses humor, irony, ridicule, or sarcasm to criticize or mock individuals, institutions, or society as a whole. It is a form of social commentary that seeks to expose and criticize human follies, vices, shortcomings, and absurdities. Satire is often employed to point out hypocrisy, corruption,…

Allusion in literature

An allusion is a literary device that refers to or indirectly mentions another work of literature, historical event, person, place, or cultural reference within a text. It’s a way of bringing in additional layers of meaning, context, or emotion by drawing on the reader’s familiarity with the alluded subject. In literature, an allusion is just…

Poems with personification

What is personification? Personification is a literary device and a figure of speech where human qualities and characteristics are attributed to non-human entities, animals, objects, or abstract concepts. This technique brings life and human-like attributes to inanimate objects or abstract ideas, making them more relatable and engaging for the reader or audience. By personifying things,…

Couplet in poetry

What is a couplet? In poetry, a couplet is a pair of lines that often share the same meter, and they usually rhyme with each other. A couplet can be part of a larger poem or stand on its own as a complete thought or unit. It is one of the simplest and most common…