
Promise by Arthur Nortje

Clock and season march, each day more mellow, since time must nourish youth beyond blossoms: the new furred power glints in early patterns, brought with true focus to your beauty now. Words drift in multitudes from your replies, who’ve chosen foreign life: I ponder snatches. We cross like shadows, young and watchful insects. My time…

What If My Blood Sweetened Into Chocolate by Sawsan Al-Areeqe

What if time cast its candle into a pit of winds And night extended beyond the brow And wearily the sea hugged the shore And light faltered during the celebrations And I embraced a man’s shadow What if The city departed for another planet And children regained their angelic wings And ballot boxes were abandoned…

Mapmaker by Beatriz Badikian-Gartler

I am Eratosthenes’ heir — the librarianwho measured earth. He took an obelisk,a well, the sun, and made a triangle:geometry, simple and accurate. A cartographer of sorts — I measureearth with words. I have drawn roadsand made them impassable. I have laidrailroad tracks to serve as escaperoutes. I have surveyed rivers andseas by touch and taste….